Well, with the Mini Mac on order I can retire my P4 WinXP pro-based machine to the shack and the Mini Mac can get its spot in the living room. The P4 machine is mini-ITX mobo in a small Hornet-looking case. I'll probably add a USB and maybe Firewire card into it to use up the remaining slots.
I got UI-View 32 running on it Thursday night. It was really easy to set it using my AEA PK-12 (PK-232 compatible) TNC. I sent and received message from it to Kenwood TH-D7A. I'm using my FT-290R all-mode 2m rig (2W / 20W) I had at Field Day. Next up will be to find a good Oklahoma map (and maybe some Tulsa area ones). Maybe I'll check the NWS page or scan some telephone directory maps. Anyway, I noticed plenty of tracker users and quite a few digipeaters (even one ID'ing as Stillwater) But not a lot of home or fixed users.
I wonder if there are enough users to hold a net ? Any takers ? I just need to set the machine up in the shack where I can connect to my attic antenna. It can ht the ETULSA digi, and Tulsa and BA digis.
I'll like to get the software installed to run the Telpac software. That would allow folks with small computer gear and 2m capability to access Internet mail. Messages from field stations would traverse the Broken Arrow digi over to this station and into my cable modem connection. Since my TNC would be on 144.390 for APRS service, I suppose I would use sound card software (AGWPE) and my RigBlaster to connect over to my IC-910 VHF base station. I've run Slow Scan with the '910, RB and MMSSTV, and it works great.
Anyone who whould like to give me a hand with any project or set up a sked, let me know.
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