
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Balloon Payload Idea: HF beacon

I know that since ASTRO-1 and ASTRO-2 have proven we can find what we launch, people have suggested wnd speed meters, Geiger counters, ATV systems, gliders, rovers, wireless access points, etc. be deployed on the balloons.

How about something simple like an HF beacon? This can operate at milliwatt levels (part 15) and can be received by many many many old-time hams. A suggested frequency - 10m because there are a lot of 10m Yagi beams in the world.

This would be an excercise in propagation and QRP operation. The antenna could be a half-wave of magnet wire, or an end-fed Zep.

I talked it over with Dan (KD5NJS) at lunch and he though Maxim had some one-wire or dip-switch programmable oscillators that could drive a buffer chain of NOT gates, then out to the antenna.

Proof of concept: I'll start looking for HF Air Traffic Control transmissions (likely Houston or Miami) at my QTH. That will give us an idea of how much power, etc. will be needed as well as a baseline for equipment. I have a pocket SW reciever (Grundig Mini200) a couple portables (DX-440s) an Icom IC-706MKIIg and perhaps a Grundig Satellite 900 down the road.

Just an idea.


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