
Tuesday, February 22, 2005

My Birthday

I turned 29 Sunday. Enough of that.

Tiff and I topped off the tank in the truck, bought two large sodas and hit the road Sunday for places unknown in my Dakota. It was a sunny day and I am gonna have to add Sequoyah State Park near Wagoner to my to-do list. The Whispering Pines trails look peaceful, as does the lake. There is lodging there and there used to be an airstrip (sorry, Pentafive) but it is closed now.

Mailman came today with a package. Yes, my latest eBay score, a Rand McNally Streetfinder GPS snap-on for my dusty old Palm III came today with all the goodies. May as well get that Palm whipped into shape again as satellite passing predictor. Or, as a mobile terminal for packet (done that before too) or as a in-car navigation system... this would be a new undertaking.

I have some new ideas too, but I need to tune the shortwave bands to see if I can find enough activity to justify a new Grundig Satellit 900.



1 comment:

Nikropht said...

Well hell, you should have told Penta5 and I. Anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!