Man, it's been a busy time since I last wrote anything. A couple hours ago I got back inside from a couple hours of yard work. Mostly pulling weeds from the flower beds. I'd like to make them look a bit nice this year. I can probably just keep things trimmed and weeded better, but to add anything I'll probably need to make deeper beds. Maybe I can set out some flower pots. From time to time I'll see a nice looking container garden that catches my eye.
Anyway, what have I been up to lately. Well, praise band at church takes a lot of time on Wednesdays and Sundays. Besides that, I run the BAARC net Mondays on 146.910. TARC officer's and general meetings are on Tuesday evening and its getting time to put the finishing touches on Field Day.
At the same time, I'm trying to throw away or pack away the stuff I'm not using right now, and consolidate what I do use into a space where they actually get used. Easier said than done. I'm an awful pack rat. While I'm at it, I'd like to get the 6m and SSB antennas finshed up. I got a VHF tuner to try my hand at building antennas. Maybe I can have something for Field Day.
The W5YJ group hasn't worked much on ballooning lately, but their ham shack is improving. I'd like to get some procedure lists and software tools developed on a variety of common or small or cheap platforms for those guys.
The BAARC is in the process of tweaking their two repeater sites, and I'm trying to get involved with that effort.
Derek metioned trying model rockets again, so we are. And he is studying for his ham radio license.
Obviously this is a lot of stuff and I'd like to share how I'm doing it, what I'm using and how it is coming along. So I'll try to have period updates here that tell what is changing on the blog, which is layed out in a hierarchy.
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